Monday, February 8, 2010

Premières impressions - first feelings

Brazzaville is amazing - Brazzaville est halucinante,

even if it's fucked up in many ways!
The Congolese welcomed us warmly - especially my driver Michel, the 2 guards, Arthur and Charles, and Marthe, the cleaning lady. The general polulation stays very poor, they survive more than they live. I talked with local and international people and most of them are disapointed- disapointed cause they know there is a huge unexploited developping potential here.

Minimal wage is around 50 000 Francs CFA (more or less 75€), but a small minority is extremly rich. Half the population are taxi drivers or guards. I don't know what the second half is doing all day long.
Oddly restaurants, bars and clubs are kind of expensive, around 10 000 a meal FCFA. But Luhfthansa Consulting is a good employer, which allows me to aford it. Only the first week:

Monday evening: beer at the Villa Monama and then diner in new lebanese restaurant

Tuesday: Restaurant Hyppo for lunch and Patou for diner, then strange bar, the "Boom Boom".

Wednesday: Mami Wata for lunch, drinks at the French social and culture center, and La sénégalaise for diner

Thursday: Pizza David's and "la Grande des cours"....All these places are very tipical, authentic, and you can trust the food.

By going home thursday evening i get arrested (official reason: my taxi stopped in front of an military building. 5 men asked me to come to the police office with them - after few minutes talks, we agreed on 6 000 FCFA for my release without a fine..

Taxis are cheap (1000 FCFA) but internet is a mess (300 000 FCFA for 256k connexion).

It's too early to make my mind on this place, but it's definitely fascinating.


  1. Tu t'intègres vite... A peine là depuis une semaine et tu as déjà fait le tour de la plupart des restos et bars... Est-ce qu'au moins on y mange aussi bien qu'au Vitamine Bar?

  2. On y mange bien oui, toujours la même chose ou presque, mais le service est encore plus lent qu'au Vitamine Bar.. et oui ca existe!
